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Nondual Highlights Issue #2672, Saturday, December 16, 2006, Editor: Mark

Is Xan still around? Here is a beautiful poem shared by her some years back?


This knowing is too simple
for rules and regulations.

This master too intimate
for anyone to guess.

This joy is too unexpected
to fit into my theology.

This vastness too sweet
to be named by my mind.

This shock of deep knowing
cannot be managed.

This grace too surprising
All walls falling down.

xan, posted to nondualitysalon

Just be here. Sort of like sitting ducks. The mind can feel that way when one enters this unprotected place, like a sitting duck, at the mercy of the moment, fully surrendered, fully offered, without a strategy or a protection or any idea why, just a complete dropping everything, the stuff you're carrying, to the floor, and just here. This being is more than enough. Then if we stay here, there's a song that starts to sing, a devotional song to Being that starts to sing between us - it is this song about, Ah! You are! I am! You are! I am! How lovely. How everything.

J: The essence of separation is I'm not part of this, I'm not at one with this, I am apart from this.
T: It's really difficult to get close.
J: It's too late, because we already are, like this, we were born this way. I'm already so close to you it's excruciating if you let yourself notice.
T: When I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm looking into Love itself, it's very sweet.
J: Me too, in yours... Why let a little horrific trauma get in the way of walking around the world as love, hmmm?

If we meet this world unprotected, our heart gets broken over and over and over. This is actually a gift. You let the world touch you, it shatters you open, and it shatters you open, and it shatters you open. And here you are, shining. After our heart is broken open a thousand times and all of the contents emptied out, there's just this shining left.

- Jeannie Zandi in satsang in Portland

To the extent that an individual wishes to
experience the world as separate from
himself, he is a spectacle without a spectator
To the extent that he prefers to be
insensitive to the world, he is a spectator
without a spectacle. But it is only when
life is accepted totally, however it comes,
knowing it to be nothing but a dream yet
acting intuitively as if it is real, that one
will experience life fully as the natural
spectator of the natural spectacle.

- Ramesh S. Balsekar, A Net of Jewels, posted to AlongTheWay

Would that you could know yourself
For a time!

Would that you would see a sign
Of your own beautiful face!

Then you would not sleep in water
And clay like an animal

You would go to the house of joy
Of all lovely spirits.

You would travel to your every far corner
To make yourself manifest

For Hidden Treasure has remained
Concealed within you!

Were you only this body,
You would have no news of the spirit;

Were you only this spirit,
You would rest happily within it.

Like others you would make do
With good and evil ...

You would manage with this and that,
If,that is, you were only this and that.

Were you only one stew,
You would have a single flavor;

Were you only one pot,
You would boil in just one way.

Were you to be purified
Of this churning agitation ...

You would reside on top of the heavens
Like those who are pure.

To every image of your own imagination
You say:

"Oh, my spirit .. my world!"
Were these images to disappear,

You, yourself - would be...
The spirit and the "world.

For your words have become intellect's shackle!

If not for words, you would be nothing
But a tongue like that universal intellect.

For knowledge is a veil .. upon knowledge
If you know that, you are the King

Why, would you remain
As interpreter?

- Rumi, posted to Mystic_Spirit


The star travelled
Or was it the earth

I know not

When I looked again
There You were

Between my brows

- Gabriel Rosenstock, posted to Mystic Spirit

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