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#3234 - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz

Nonduality Highlights -     

In this issue a review and excerpts from Paradise Found: Recognizing and Living As the Infinite Love That You Are, by Charlie Hayes. Great summer nondual reading, full of spirit and life. I liked it a lot.  

A 58 page sampler of the book:  

Download Paradise Found or purchase hard copy:  

Charlie Hayes' website:    


Paradise Found, by Charlie Hayes, is one of those "last books you'll ever need to read" books. It’s like one of those non-existent Mackinaw peaches from Oregon that’s only available for two weeks out of the year. Paradise Found possesses that longed-for juice that pours out with every bite. It has the joy and summer of the peach. And it has the hard pit to roll around in your mouth. 


Sometimes the pit splits open (on its own for whatever reason) and inside is a seed that’s smooth and cool. Paradise Found possesses all layers of the peach: the outer skin, the fruit, the pit, the seed.




The Table of Contents is like the outer layer. There are 109 short chapters. Here is a selection of them:


3. What Is Unreal? What Is Real?.............................................19

7. Is This All There Is? .............................................................31

8. The Addict You Believe You Are ........................................32

14. What IS “Is”? ......................................................................43

46. The 'Aha' Is Always Here and Now ................................. 113

55. Who Cares?? .................................................................... 131

56. There Are No "Accurate Pointers"................................... 133

60. “Teachings” Are A Distraction ........................................ 139

70. How Do I DO the Investigation? ......................................163

73. What Is The Source of SOURCE?....................................171

75. How To Stay In Awareness - I AM? ................................174

77. There Are No Teachers Of This........................................177

91. What Is Seeking Who?......................................................203

95. Thanks for The No-Bullshit Approach .............................213





[Bold portions were added by the Highlights editor.]


Questioner: How Do I DO the Investigation?


Charlie Hayes: Who Asks That Question?

Quite a few have asked, essentially, “HOW do I DO this

investigation? Do I just ask who am I over and over? I have

tried that, it seems to reveal a sense of space and openness but

soon I am right back into the pain of being me, and I am still

suffering. This goes on in spite of years of commitment to being

earnest and taking up practices and meditations etc. I am tired

of flopping back into being a little complaining me and I want

to end this search for real. What to do? How to see that the I is a

phantom as is pointed out by these Nondual teachings?”

The "pat answer" in Nonduality circles is to ask, WHO wants to

know? That is a great pointer for some but for many it just

increases the frustration and is often dismissed as

"fundamentalism” or "Advaita-speak" and is certainly NOT

helpful in those cases. It's almost kind of condescending...


I can share that the two things that helped the most for me were

the seeing that this that I am is not a concept or experience but a

silent open background of space-like awareness that is always

here before anything else and that I am that awareness. As Bob

Adamson and John Wheeler reminded me, we START from

that simple undeniable fact that, undeniably, I exist, I AM.

That led to a clear seeing that I AM what I was seeking. Then

there came a dropping back into self-identification, selfcentered

(selfish) thoughts, and the space of simply being

appeared to be lost again. That was painful! Then the need for a

real down and dirty investigation challenging the mind and its

false concepts and assumptions became evident as the suffering

… painful emotions and unwanted intense experiences of

feeling sad, contracted, angry, frustrated etc. happened again

and again.


Something I found very helpful was listening to Stephen

Wingate talk about his own experience of this, and how our

mutual friend John Wheeler had guided him to make the

investigation personal and real in his own experience. In

Stephen’s case, as he shares, he began asking himself new

questions, along the lines of what exactly IS “Stephen?” He was

looking into his own experience of being alive instead of

applying a “one size fits all” generic pointer. This did the trick

for Stephen (you can hear him discuss in detail how specifically

this happened on his excellent audio CDs.)


So I started looking in these more direct personal ways, with

support from many friends, including Bob, John, John Greven,

Stephen, and Annette Nibley. It is GREAT to have friends like

these along the seeking path!


I started looking more deeply at what or who IS this “Charlie”

person, what is it that I really believe I am? Several things,

identities if you like, came up, and were tested for “truth.” What

I found is that the mind makes endless assertions about what I

am and when I fail to seek evidence for its assertions I leave the

false unchallenged … and that leaves the cause of suffering in

place and it continues to create havoc for this boy’s life!


For example: I am “Charles in charge.” I am “the boss.” I am

"the actor, the doer, the decider.” I am “me” and you are “not

me.” "I am me and the way things work around here is we do

things MY way.” It’s “My way or the highway.” And so on.

The I am as an identity that Charlie is, is bossy, arrogant and

knows everything about everything. “I Am what I think and I

am right” was another one. A know-it-all. But all these fail the

truth test. I am always finding out I don't know about

something. There is always a clear failure to "make life go my

way" ... over and over! Wanting things to go my way is as

effective as telling the weather not to rain. Or trying to herd



But that was all a sort of “array of branches” and the root still

had not been gotten down to. So the looking into this space of

being I show up in for some root cause went on for a while.

Then it became clear that “I am the one who is looking for what

I am." “I must find out what I am.” This arises as a sense of

frustration as there seems to be a power to think, I can choose

what thoughts to focus my attention on, however, while I CAN

choose a created thought like "Who Am I?" what I have NO

control over is that power that causes thinking itself to arise! It

happens! Thoughts happen, whether I want them to or not! In

other words I can select from a menu of thoughts so to say,

BUT I cannot choose to have NO thoughts come up. And I saw

that experience follows concept, that a thought of me that thinks

leads to the idea that I can choose and decide and have it my

way, and the frustration of trying to practice choice and having

my choices be thwarted is really painful. The mind intends for

example to never get upset again because I know that when I

get upset it hurts, and it’s unhealthy etc. BUT the next time I am

triggered by some happening that is not in accordance with

what I intend, bang! I am in a tantrum, like a bratty kid, cussing

at myself for (again) overeating and getting fat, or (again)

dropping something and berating myself for being clumsy, etc.

So what this showed me is that for me, who I am is “a stupid

idiot who STILL can’t do anything right. Despite all these years

of experience and practice, I am still at the effect of some

mechanism that runs me and makes me still believe 'I am me'

and that 'me' is an old, clumsy, stupid, angry person."


So I came back to what Stephen was pointing out and looked

into this more deeply than ever: What IS Charlie? What actually

IS Charles? What IS "this person, here?" This "me" is subtler

than a thought, finer than an experience, less evident than the

surface stuff described above. What IS Charles?


Finally the seeing arose, “I don’t know!”


Abiding as this “I don’t Know” brought the mind to a full stop

and there was and is what was sought … Perfect Peace,

Absolute Freedom. Timeless Choiceless Awareness, like a

blank clear transparent screen on which apparent choices and

chooser arise together; on which the apparent opposites of I and

other arise together. THAT, I AM. THAT, THOU ART.

This is inquiry: the key as far as I can tell is the "making it real

for me.” Making it about my own experience instead of

someone else’s, because no Guru or Friend can be alive for me,

no one else experiences life as I experience it, so it really HAD

to become directly and personally MY looking. The guidance

from friends like John and Stephen that were complete in their

search was invaluable, yet in the final analysis it was up to me.

And so, the final truth is clear and self-evident: I AM That I

AM. Being, Choiceless Awareness ... Just That and Nothing



Finding your own path into this inquiry may take some new and

fresh personal ways to look into yourself for yourself. This site

and my books are here to support that looking for yourself, by

yourself, as are the friends listed on my website links page.

I love you all as my own Self, and of course I wish you the very

best. Thanks for taking time to read this. I hope it helps, if you

are still suffering.




Hayes writes:


Who chooses? That is what needs to be examined. So, NO I do

not agree. There is NO ego! It's a ghost! You scare yourself

telling yourself ghost stories where YOU are the main ghost

character, the star in your drama. It's crap.


Don't get me in the middle between you and that writer, whom I

do not know. If you keep roaming the Internet and writing to

other teachers I will NOT reply to you again. As a wise man

said, if you are wanting to hit water digging a well, dig in just

one place. Stay with one teaching. If you like that expression

what difference will my assessment make? The real question

which you keep avoiding asking yourself is Who Am I”? I say

refuse all thoughts except who am I? If you can, just do it. If not

keep looking in all the wrong places, in thoughts and outside

yourself. But get real with it, man!





The Seed is either stumbled upon or not and no quotation can be selected. However, you may have a better chance of stumbling upon split-open, seed-revealing peach stones via this book than with most others of its kind.




Richly supplemental are many delicious quotations of teachers influential to Charlie Hayes. They include John Wheeler, Stephen Wingate, Leo Hartong, John Greven, Robin Dale, John Astin, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Bob Adamson is often mentioned.


Paradise Found is the perfect summer nonduality book, all year long, for generations to come.


~ ~ ~


A 58 page sampler of the book:  

Download Paradise Found (only $11) or purchase hard copy:  

Charlie Hayes' website:  

Paradise Found will soon be available on Amazon.

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