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Highlights #850

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10/7/01 Sunday


NDS Moderator

Greeting, NDSers...

Recent events have alerted moderation policy:

Participants are cautioned to be conservative in their
postings, concerning statements regarding race, religion,
nationality, and/or implied motives of those persons or

NDS Moderator will act to terminate conversations which
promote hate, intolerance, or otherwise deliberately impugn
or denigrate any social/national/religious group.

__This will be enforced without further notice__.

While NDS is not by definition a political forum, our many
participants are living in these current times, which are rife
with potentially disturbing events and news. Thus, it is not
surprising that these topics make their way to this forum.

It is suggested to try the 'nondual perspective' as a vantage
from which to observe and comment upon current events.


Please remember that my postings as 'Moderator' are separate
from my postings as 'list member'.

Love and peace to all...

==Gene Poole==

[ ED.NOTE!!! MUST SEE!! Moderation Headquarters revealed!]
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GP. con't

>Hi Gene,
>I like the console at Moderation HQ, especially the wavey red contours;
>very cool! BTW what exactly is the "nondual perspective"? No opinion,
>or any opinion? No passion or any passion? Or is it <all> and >nothing<?
>nondually, Larry

I am glad you like the console, Larry.

Someday, you may be pulling moderator duty, yourself!

The NDS Moderation HQ was funded by gobs of money
from The Illuminators, a fun bunch of people who hang
out in a secret society sort of environment. They throw
really great parties!

The nondual perspective is:

_1 What I say it is (In the same manner that the Caterpiller
spoke in 'Through the Looking Glass'). I think he was smoking
a hookah during his discussions with Alice, if that has any
bearing on the matter.

_2 It is the perspective of conscious space itself, IE,
omni-spective. By nature, it does not exclude.

_3 It is not remedial, except in the speculations of those
looking from the 'dual' perspective.

_4 It is both information and that which is informed.

_5 It is outside of time, and unaffected by movement.

_6 It is the great joke, which is no statement, and
all punch-line.

_7 It is a spirit which dwells in Krispy-Kreem donuts.
This has been Jerified by a panel of experts, who
themselves are outside of time, and immune to movement.

_8 It is that isness, the suchness in which
nothingness dwells, illuminating all, yet casting no

_9 It is the POV of the Third Eyebrow.

_10 It is the rootless stump of the tree which
falls in the vacant forest, and is heard by
everyone, yet they know it not.

Mix or match any or all of the above choices.

Or make up your own!

==Gene Poole==


Look to the haven of this present shore. Your life is not a
coincidence, but the fabric of this moment. A murmur you
place in the heart of God. Return your engagement ring to
the hand of the Beloved, and whisper a marriage vow.
From this sweet whispering, love shall flourish in the
world. Whatever you see, shall be found in that flowering.

Accept the pain of this longing,
as a thirsty desert accepts rain.
Do not try to be anything
but this free falling love.
Sometimes, the heart,
is a tear drop
searching for an eye
to cry in.

Every now and then,
when a river becomes tasteless,
or its soul too dried up
to move on of its own.
It will come to the waterfall,
and say:
Catch me when I die.


"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.

"Look how he abused me and beat me
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.

"Look how he abused me abd beat me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts and live in love.

In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispells hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.

All beings tremble before violence
All fear death
All love life.

See yourself in the others
Then whom can you hurt?
What harm can you do?

He who seeks happiness
By hurting those who seek happiness
Will never find happiness.

For your brother is like you.
He wants to be happy.
Never harm him.
And when you leave this life
You too will find happiness.

The fool in his mischief forgets
And he lights the fire
Wherein one day he must burn.

Better than a thousand hollow words
Is one word that brings peace.

Better than a thousand hollow verses
Is one verse that brings peace.

Better than a hundred hollow lines
Is one line of the law, bringing peace.

It is better to conquer yourself
Than to win a thousand battles.

Then the victory is yours
It cannot be taken from you
Not by angels or by demons,
Heaven or hell.

Better to live one day
How things arise and pass away.

Better to live one hour
The one life beyond the way.

Better to live one moment
In the moment
Of the way beyond the way."



"Finally, phenomena of the three periods (previous, present and
future lives), a moment, infinite aeons, and infinite worlds of the
ten directions, big and small, upright or titled, suffering or happy,
as well as mountains, rivers, earth, grass, trees, and forests; all
these are simply dependent consequences - the world as receptacle and
direct consequences of this - sentient beings and buddhas.

All the limitless dependent phenomena and direct phenomena in
limitless space and time, arising moment after moment, coexist
without conflict. Because the body that flows out of the nature of
things exists everywhere and because there is nowhere that it does
not exist, everything exists within it.

This body is undifferentiated throughout the entire universe and the
realm of things. It is true suchness. Everything that is connected to
it is without conflict or difference: a single point chosen at random
reveals all, and all enters into the one as well."

.... Master Yin-shun


great quote that i really identify with. It points to a nice little practice that can be done anywhere anytime.
Wherever you are, look at something very nearby, a foot or so away -- it could be a wall, a picture, a
tree, a car, whatever -- and focus on as small as speck of material as possible. That 'single point chosen',
the suchness of it being seen, shines forth like a wise Master. It's significance is ultimate.

When this practice is done with eyes closed and the inner vision focused on a speck of light in the center of
the field of vision, it becomes a third eye practice, and occult knowledge and powers can be gained. But
that's another story.

In time, when one has really moved into nonduality, whatever that means, the practice can't be conducted,
because everything is the ultimate significant particle. I used to practice it as a kid while my teenage friends
were talking about hot combing their hair and forming a band called the Continentals. It was 1963, and
there 14,751 bands called The Continentals.

In New Jersey.

Though I was a fairly well-socialized kid with good friends (that I'm still in touch with), those tiny particles
were my best friends. Because they knew.

so that's why i identify with the quote. and the other reason i'm writing is to see if anyone knows whatever
happened to The Continentals?



Joyce and Jerry,

Funny you should post this... Right now, I'm involved in a translation project for some more of this same
teacher's writings - we're translating several of Master Yin-Shun's works from Chinese to English. The one
I'm spending time on now is his overview of Madhyamika - the Middle Way. When the translation
reeaches a later stage, it will be posted on the web for open comments. After that, it will be edited further
and published. I'll let you know when these stages occur.

With metta,



Hazarat Ali was Prophet Mohammed's son-in-law. This shows that non-duality
has been there in Islam from it's birth.

The beginning, the end, the manifest and the hidden.
The seer and the listener, all is Him,
He is in everything yet He is beyond,
there is nothing else, everything is Him;
abandon the duality of me and you,
see one, there aren't two at all,
understand this and disappear in it;
when you are not, then truly He is.


With Love,
Cyber Dervish


Link to main page which illuminates the way of the bicameral mind:


Topic: Primate survival strategy survives as latent bicameral mind

Primate species survival depended upon strict adherence to tribal
cohesion. Alpha-male dominance became the external authority
which is even to this day, projected by the bicameral mind as the
"God" of religions.

Tribal (homogenizing) religions depend upon forms of conditioning
which keep the bicameral mind close to the surface of consciousness.

Today's events are indicators, not causes, of the forthcoming
evolution of consciousness which will finally make understanding
of the latent, foundational bicameral mind, universal among
modern humans.

Bicameral humans are motivated to destroy all possibility of this
forthcoming evolution of consciousness, as the new consciousness
will finally relegate tribal (homogenizing) religion to the dustbin of history.

Our new consciousness has been previewed many times by individuals,
but never by groups. Those known as sages, prophets, gurus, etc, are
those who have 'seen the beginning and the end'. This view is available
to anyone; it exists, as it always has, as a property of space, and is thus
bound into all matter, and is viewable by awareness.

As we may observe the movement of the hand of a clock and know
that the clock does not 'create time', so we may also observe events
of current history and know that such events are merely indicators,
not creators.

What may be perceived of current events, when viewed in this way?

"As an old eye closes, a new eye opens".

==Gene Poole==

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